Well, the Onkyo arrived yesterday afternoon, and wa splugged in as soon as I got home. The Cyrus System I want (CD-XT-SE-whatever, DAC-XP-Plus-whatever, 2 x Mono-X200s and one of their streamers, plus a couple of ProAc Studio 140s, plus the interconnects and speaker cables) is likey to cost me close to thirteen large in Pounds, or 100 times what the CD player is going to cost, which itself is less than the cost of a decent pair of interconnects, so it really doesn't figure in my savings for the Cyrus setup. This is a stop-gap solution, remember, and will ultimately end up in the front room where the wife can happily watch Oprah, Martha Stewart doing her "Blue Peter" routines for bored hausfraus, and the ****ing Lifetime (all men are barstewards and should be castrated just as soon as their DNA has been extracted, screened for psychopathic tendencies, and used to produce the next generation of sperm - and paypacket - donors) TV channel, while I'm upstairs rocking out to the Cyrus system.

Both sound muddy and muted as I have always found receiver or Bluray / DVD based audio to be.
Hence the output from the CD player should be clearer than the sound from either the Bluray DAC output fed analogue-mode into the receiver or the digital code from the Bluray fed into the receiver DAC. The CD player uses an allegedly superior Wolfson 8718 DAC to handle just two audio channels. Don't know which DAC is in the Bluray but that too must be designed to deal with up to 7.1 plus video. The receiver uses a Burr-Brown 192/24 DAC but only one, I think, to handle up to 7.1 audion channels plus, I'm guessing, video as well.